
A Few Simple Reasons

Sorry for the lack of updates. Having a concussion is slowing down the writing a little. Thought I'd post what I think are a few of the effects of the modern denominational church dogma about "eternal damnation":

  • Maligns God's character before the world.

  • Contradicts His unending and unfailing love for all people.

  • Makes our worship stem from fear instead of true affection.

  • Denies His unlimited power to accomplish His will.

  • Makes man's will greater than God's will.

  • Infinitely minimizes Christ's triumph over sin and death.

  • Denies Christ fully accomplished His mission on earth.

  • Violates the divine witness revealed in every conscience.

  • Negates the most glorious promises in the Bible.

  • Ignores the testimony of the early Church.

  • Robs us of peace and joy.

  • Affects what we become; - like Father like son.

  • Hinders world evangelism.

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